Epic Plastics sets the standard in quality landscape edging products and are made exclusively from recycled plastics. Our products continue to be the professional landscaper's choice for high-quality edging solutions and are widely used in the do-it-yourself market as well. Epic Plastic’s commitment to our environment is crucial to our success and sets us apart from our competition. Our products are made from recycled plastic feedstock.
Headshot (Listing Preview) images should be no smaller than 800 x 900 px and Headshot (Listing Page) images should be no smaller than 160 x 160 px, with the subject matter as centered as possible to avoid being cut off at the edges.
Image Size Limits
Images can have a maximum file size of 1 MB. Should you need to compress your images, no problem! Here’s a free tool with super simple instructions.
Cover and Gallery images should be no smaller than 1920 x 1080 px for the best clarity, and the subject matter should be as centered as possible to avoid being cut off at the edges.
Image Size Limits
Images can have a maximum file size of 1 MB. Should you need to compress your images, no problem! Here’s a free tool with super simple instructions.
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